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7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

Let me start with a little re cap. Dr. Ali Hassan Salem, who has a Ph.D in financial analysis, has many years of experience in business and leadership skills training; he is also an expert and consultant in marketing and management and has written many books on leadership, with the goal of fostering better work environments.
Many people spend way to much time in Quadrant IV. For example, even activities like binge-watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo isn't going to make your life better in the long run; Afterward, you may have a clean house, but if you haven't worked on your character, you will likely revert to old habits in a short time.

As Covey states it, "the most fundamental application of 'begin with the end in mind' is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined." When you do that, you can then make sure that everything you do on any given day contributes to that picture or leads you closer to it.
The book opens with an explanation of how many individuals who have achieved a high degree of outward success still find themselves struggling with an inner need for developing personal effectiveness and growing healthy relationships with other people.

I understood at a deeper level why, as I had worked through the years with people from all walks of life, I had found that the things I was sharing as a consultant with Franklin Covey and knew to be effective were often at variance with these popular voices.
According to Fortune, The 7 Habits is one of the best-selling books of all time,” was named the most influential book of the 20th century” by Chief Executive magazine, and was listed as one of the top 10 most influential management books ever” by Forbes.
While Carnegie's book focuses on satisfaction through smoother personal relationships and stronger connections, Covey relies on an approach that deals more with the individual's attitude within the context of that person's relationship with themselves.

In order to maintain the discipline and the focus to stay on track toward our goals, we need to have the willpower to do something 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary when we don't want to do it. We need to act according to our values rather than our desires or impulses at any given moment.
A philosophy of ‘Character Ethic': a philosophy that champions change from the inside out; an approach that starts with identifying universal principles; a method of choosing values that align with those principles; and a way to put those values and a definite purpose at the heart of our habits, actions and reactions.
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